Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Web Marketing Checklist: 32 Ways to Promote Your Website

by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, E-Commerce Consultant
Web Marketing Today, June 14, 2006

Note: The following article includes dozens of links to resources and more information -- much of it carefully organized on my website (and in some books) for further study, much of it entirely free. Please excuse the many links to my site. This article originally appeared in Web Marketing Today, Issue 39, December 1, 1997. As one of our most popular articles, it was revised most recently on June 14, 2006.

Cited in PC Magazine,

How can you get more visitors to your website? What can you do to stimulate traffic? Here's a checklist of 32 items you need to consider. Many of these you're probably doing already; others you meant to do and forgot about; still others you've never heard of. Of course, a great deal has been written about this. You'll find links to thousands of articles on site promotion in our Web Marketing Research Room ( While we're not breaking any new ground here, we've tried to summarize some of the most important techniques.

Click here to read the full article

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

DaVinci Code Uncorks the Genie

The sacred feminine makes an appearance.

The DaVinci Code has struck a chord for millions of people. The book, the spin-off books, the movie, the court cases. Is it that it’s such a well-written story? A fascinating mystery? A debunking of organized religion? Is it Tom Hanks? Might it be, at least in part, that the story taps into a deep longing for balance in the world, for the sacred feminine to be invited back to the table to sit as an equal?

Read the entire article . . .

K.J. Bryant left career, home and an established life to go on a one-year journey around the country searching for a new life after 50. On her path to reinvention, Bryant met over 70 women with amazing stories of transformation. She shares the wisdom and inspiration she gained in her workshops, presentations and forthcoming book, Journeys: 50,000 Miles of Wise Women. Sign up for her free eJourneys Newsletter and learn more about Bryant at:

Saturday, June 03, 2006

New Words of Wisdom Ezine!

As I grow and develop my online business, discover, and begin to employ the plethora of tools available, I continue to divulge my secrets to success. Having said that I would like to offer you the opportunity to join me in my FREE, first edition, Words of Wisdom Ezine. Go to the above link and sign up there. Receive a special FREE Resource Guide and US State Abbreviation directory. This little item is one you will want to keep handy and is your thank you gift for signing up.

Wishing you prosperity,
Ginger Marks