Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Recommend A Friend

WCAD, February 9, 2006
WCAD Brand

We all know how valuable word of mouth advertising can be for a business but here in the virtual community it may be difficult to communicate your recommendations. So how do you make a virtual recommendation?

The answer to how this is done is simple. Put a link on your page with your comments about their product or service.

Don't be overly flattering. Do be clear in why you feel their product or service is worthy of your praise. Also absolutely check spelling and structure before you post. You will find that when you begin to share your virtual recommendation you will benefit the business you are promoting and your own as well.

Be absolutely certain that the link is functional. The most aggravating circumstance I encounter is broken links. When I find something relevant to my needs and click...Nothing...I have a tendency to leave both sites behind. That is not beneficial for either business.

Rule #1: Share your virtual recommendations with others and they will be more apt recommend you.

Make a difference. This is your virtual community too.

Ginger Marks

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