Words of Wisdom was created to assist others in areas where they may find themselves weak. The topics will be as varied as the challenges we face. I live to help others and I hope you will find this a valuable resource, valuable enough to share. Life is for the living and living is for the giving. - Ginger Marks
Friday, December 29, 2006
#1 Feature on EzineArticles!
I am still recovering from a state of shock! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that something I wrote, especially on the way to grandmother's house for Christmas dinner, would be chosen as THE #1 Feature article on EzineArticles.com!
This is where you can go to read it: 7 Hot Tips for a Prosperous New Year
I find it very strange that although it was singled out it has yet to be picked up for publishing or even forwarded. Hmmm. Something just doesn't seem right. Oh well! Still I would say it is a great way to kick of 2007!
I feel it in my bones that 2007 will be the year that made a difference in my life and my business. What say ye?
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Enjoy the Journey
This is the most exciting and wonderful time of the year. Everyone is involved in a flurry of activities and events. Parties and plays fill our evenings with festivities while our days are packed with shopping and decorating.
These event filled days can become stressful for some. As difficult as it is to admit this is also the season for increased numbers of those that suffer from depression and even suicide to surface.
To keep these traumatic events from creeping into your life, stop and look around. When you are rushing from place to place take a moment or two to enjoy the smells and the sounds, the glistening lights, and incredible displays that surround us.
Count your blessings instead of dwelling on the stress of the season. Enjoy each and every day to the fullest.
Wishing you a Prosperous and Happy New Year!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Holiday Shopping
All year we struggle to make ends meet. Now, when the shopping season and the perfect reason to support our friends businesses begins, we run out of the house and buy from the places like Wal-Mart. Surely the big retailers won’t make good use of our money like our friends will.
What if you want to give a gift that your friends don’t have? The solution is simple. Change your gift selection! Won’t they be surprised when they get a gift that they hadn’t expected? How about a yummy treat? Maybe a stocking stuffed with fresh herbs and teas along with a candle or two would do the trick.
If the person on your gift list owns a business of their own a terrific gift you could consider is an ad package from another of your online friends. I can think of several online friends of mine that own mom & pop businesses that could use the income from such a joint venture.
If you don’t have a list of online friends that can supply your gift needs let me suggest a few that I have found that provide superior quality and speedy delivery.
Click button Shopping: http://clickbuttonshopping.com
Lisa’s Art & Horses: http://www.lisasart.com
Sage Hill Farms: http://www.sagehillfarms.com
My Little Taste of Italy: http://www.mylittletasteofitaly
Annie’s Accent Bakery: http://anniesaccentsbakery.vstore.ca
Vermont Shortbread Co: http://vermontshortbread.com/
Watkins: http://www.watkinsonline.com/ddemell
Home & Garden
Gourmet Candles: http://www.burningwithlove.scent-team.com
Pampered Chef: http://www.pamperedchef.com/
Holiday Cards: http://www.kimemerson.com
Card covers: http://www.documeant.net/cards.html
Roses & Teacups: http://roses-and-teacups.com
Cool Candle: www.CoolCandle.net
Home & Garden Party: http://www.hgpchic.com/
Cello-in-a-box: http://www.celloinabox.com/812
Creative Gift Wrapping: http://www.creativegiftwrapping.com/ConsultantProgram.html
Fashion & Jewlery
Ellen B: Elle B. jewelry site
Chic Boutique: http://www.chloeschicboutique.com
Young Living: http://www.youngliving.org/fdurham
Premier Designs: http://www.premierdesigns.com/
Heritage Makers: www.createalegacy.org
Marlin the Christmas Elf: http://www.lulu.com/content/537509
Jesus Gandhi Oma Mae Adams: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1894936604/
Presentational Skills for the Next Generation: http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=684125
Whatever! A Baby Boomer’s Journey Into Middle Age: http://www.therawreviewers.com/artman/publish/Whatever.shtml
Jan's Book Store: http://lulu.com/janverhoeff
Business Coaching
J. Givler: http://www.jgivlercoaching.com/
Global Gateways: http://www.myglobalgetaways.com/
Toys & Games
Discovery Toys: http://www.discoverytoyslink.com/esuite/home/playtoteach
Bright Minds: http://www.brightminds.us/web/CindyP
Blessed Toys: http://www.blessedtoys.com/members/lascrucesmoms/mof.html
Stuff A Friend: http://www.stuffafriend.biz/members/eulademv/
Mommy’s Neighborhood: http://www.mommyneighborhood.com
Marketing Salad: http://www.marketingsalad.com/gifts.html
Nibroc Marketing Solutions: http://www.nibrocmarketing.com
Brand your Market: http://brandyourmarket.com
Sunday, November 05, 2006
A New Dawn Cometh
For those that don't know, NASA is sending the Dawn spacecraft on a mission to the Asteroid Belt. On that spacecraft are the names of a select few humanoid life forms that stay tuned to the NASA missions.
If you would like to be included click here and simply enter your name.
Once you have done that be sure to print or save your certificate for posterity.
You see, I paid close attention to this mission due to the fact that my mother's name is DAWN. I can tell you for sure that Dawn will be on board Dawn flying through outer space, along with my hubby and me, and my twin sister.
Bet you didn't know I had a twin. Well I do and we have never met. She lives in UT and I live in FL. We are two peas in a pod. Both of us are writers and marketers. Both of us are from German ancestry. Both of us are or have been in the medical field. I could go on and on, but we are now business partners as well as friends, so I had to include her too. Check out our joint venture here: Nibroc Marketing Solutions
Now I want to invite you to join us too before it is too late. Get your name on board the Dawn Spacecraft and soar through the heavens with us.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Abundance Raining Down
Gone are those fearful days of blogging and ezine publishing. If I think back far enough I can even remember my first article. But here I am, no longer in Pampers. I have my newsletter on auto-pilot and have started a marketing business with my business partner Kim Emerson. We named it after her grandson, Corbin. It is called Nibroc Marketing Solutions at http://www.nibrocmarketing.com. We are working diligently on a for print ezine on marketing named "My Ugly Little Marketing Ezine". It does not contain the beautiful layouts that I have come to love to create but is rather a simple, content rich, information packed ezine for the serious business owner.
Yes, we have an online ezine that we offer as well but it is looking like we may end up combining the two. I can only hope, at this point.
Besides all these articles I am enjoying the new found friendships and business that these ventures are providing. It seems like just when I need a new project to peek its head up one comes rolling around the bend.
My most recent activity was to design a website from scratch around my writing itself. This I finally finished up today, just moments ago. The link to 'My Writing Place' is here and up there on your right. I do hope you will stop by and give it a look-see. I had to have some place to use my beautification talents since the ezine is so very UGLY!
Well, other projects are calling so I am off to fulfill the needs of others yet one more time.
Until then as always,
Ginger Marks
Thursday, October 19, 2006
What was that?
I am not sure what it was even still. Maybe I have been invaded by space aliens? Perhaps it was the ghost of Christmas past? Or even a mere leprechaun having his way with my beloved computer. Whatever it was it was certainly a digital encumbrance.
Now that I think about it, this being so close to Halloween maybe it was a spook that has invaded my realm. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the gremlins were out and about waiting to surprise me when least expected.
Now there is a thought, ‘when least expected’. How often have you been surprised by something ‘expected’? Is that even possible? Where do these inane saying come from anyway? Perhaps another mission into the unknown should be put on my agenda. A mission to find out where the most oft used sayings came from. But, there I go off on another adventure; best to leave that for another day.
Monday, October 09, 2006
“Hot Room” Technology Makes International Networking Event Possible
“Hot Room” Technology Makes International Networking Event Possible
Top Internet Marketers from around the world will meet for the first Audio/Video virtual networking mixer on Oct 12, 2006. The virtual meeting room holds over 500 and the founders expect a record turn out. All serious Internet Marketers are welcome to attend.
PRWEB) Oct 1, 2006 . Top Internet Marketers from around the world are gathering for the WINning Sister’s bi-annual virtual networking mixer slated to take place Oct 12, 2006 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time at http://www.hc.secretofprosperity.com in the Hot Conference room owned by prosperity mentor Kim Emerson.
Every day thousands of entrepreneurial minded people start businesses and each year nearly 40% of those businesses will fail. The secret of those that thrive: Become a “real” business owner, not a hobbyist that plays “store”.
The host of this event is the WINning Sisters of RYZE, founded by Ginger Marks and Tammy DePew-Smith. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to the success of others in business and relationships within the RYZE online business network. Today, the program hosts over 100 members worldwide, with the numbers growing daily. All serious Internet Marketers are welcome to attend their Fall Fling Gala.
Among the scheduled events will be an informative presentation given by feature speaker Kelly McCausey of WAHMs Talk Radio fame. She will touch on newsletters and how the use of them to promote the success of your business. Door prizes will be given and games with valuable gifts will keep things energetic and upbeat.
“Our First event was held in a simple text chat room environment and we had an outstanding turnout. With the incorporation of the “Hot Room” technology that the A/V environment allows I look forward to an even larger group of professionals for this event,” says Marks of DocUmeant.net. She adds, “Every day thousands of entrepreneurial minded people start businesses and according to the Small Business Association within six years 94% of those businesses will fail. The Internet now allows these small business owners a greater chance for success by expanding their potential market to a worldwide audience through the online networking venue.”
© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved DocUmeant.
For more information on the Fall Fling Gala Chat email Ginger Mark at founder@winningsistersofryze.com or visit the website at http://www.winningsistersofryze.com/events.html
Press contact: http://www.writingpro.biz
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
A personal invitation…to The WINning Sisters of Ryze Fall Fling Oct 12th
Here’s your chance to create NEW connections, network and play games while learning Business Promotion Techniques.
Guest Speaker Kelly McCausey from http://www.wahmtalkradio.com will be teaching us how to use ezines and newsletters to grow our businesses!
Among the 14 prizes to be given out Denise Michaels from http://www.marketingforher.com has donated her best selling book “Testosterone Free Marketing” and her E-Book “Sales Letters”
The WINning Sisters of Ryze Fall Fling is scheduled for Oct 12th from 4PM - 8 PM EST. Details can be found on the Sister Site at http://www.winningsistersofryze.com/events.html
Friday, September 08, 2006
WINning Sisters Fall Fling
I can hardly believe it fall is here already! It seems like we just had the Spring Fling and here we are planning for the Fall Fling. This time around we are going to meet in a live 'Hot Room' environment! I am so excited to be able to offer these fun events to the WAH community. As always the event is 'OPEN TO ALL' So bring everyone you know that wants to learn and party. We will have games & prizes and lots of open networking time. Our speaker, Kelly McCausey, is well known in the WAH community and will be speaking on Ezines aka digital newsletters.
If you would like more information you can view the Press Release here: http://www.winningsistersofryze.com/pr-2.html
To see the event details and the prize page visit the Sisters Event & Prize pages.
See you there!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
It's Primary Time Once Again
I have been saying for years that two things have to happen in order for things to change. The first is that if you don’t do your homework and invest a little time and effort getting to know the candidates you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. The other solution really rests on the shoulders of the first. That is that all candidate offices should have a choice of “None of the above” and if that is the winning vote, those candidates should be barred from running for any public office in the future.
What do you think it will take to turn the tide?
Friday, August 18, 2006
Tripping on Words
Ghostwriters can effectively create content rich content for your use usually for a very small fee. Look at most all of our President's First Ladies' books that have been written in recent years. Each and every one was written by a ghostwriter. For example I have heard it said, Hillary Clinton's book "It Takes A Village" was written by not one but three ghostwriters. However you don't have to be famous to take advantage of these services. If you do decide that you want to write your own story perhaps you might want to make note of some of the most misused words and phrases so you don't get caught in their snares.
One of the main sets of words that are used ineffectively and improperly I have already used one of in the previous paragraph, that is 'effect' vs. 'affect'. Think of it this way, effect is the thing that causes the action while affect is the end result. Perhaps that will help you keep those two from being entangled.
A wide vocabulary is a repository that pulls together your ideas and generates powerful arguments. Have you ever been in mid thought or sentence and said, "What's that word I'm looking for?" As an author and editor I find myself constantly searching for just the right word or phrase. One of the most valuable tools to employ is a thesaurus. However there are times when even those will fail you. Perhaps you have been looking for a tool to supplement your current source or one that will assist you in understanding the proper usage and definitions.
For the last year I have been using White Smoke. If you would like more information on this wonderful program White Smoke offers a demo at their website at http://network.adsmarket.com/click/imNsnY2ff523YZicZZ1-w4tjmJ6NnYOUjw. It provides not only antonym and synonyms but definitions as well. Another benefit of using this program, for me, is that you can specify the type of writing you are doing and it will provide you with options that fit that writing style. For example, if you are writing a business letter the suggestions it gives for enhancement and replacement are totally different than if you were to specify your content was for dating purposes. I am certain you will find this tool a valuable resource.
Words should be fun. Learning to use them properly is imperative in the internet environment. Not only spelling but sentence structure are all laid bare as we are limited to the written word for most of our online communications. The right words in the right form written in a well formed sentence can clarify and fortify your message.
Language reflects not only our culture but our ideas. It explains our lives and our life experiences. It is our way of transferring our observations and perceptions to one another. Communication is a two way street. It helps you understand the world and the world understand you. When you use words improperly or even just spell them incorrectly it implies that either you are lazy, misinformed, or just plain uneducated.
Another valuable piece of advice is not to overuse 'big words' just for the sake of using them. I strongly agree with Don Watson's principals clearly stated in his book "Death Sentences". Management Speak (and over usage of unfamiliar terms) will make your listener or reader's go brain-dead quicker than a Sunday sermon. I offer the following excerpt from a book I recently acquired, see if your brain picks up every word and follows along with what the author is trying to express or if, like me, your brain shuts down and your eyes glaze over.
"Not a succedaneum for satisfying the nympholepsy of nullifidians, it is hoped that the haecceity of this enchiridion of arcane and recondite sesquipedalian items will appeal to the oniomania of an eximious Gemeinschaft whose legerity and sophrosyne, whose Sprachgefühl and orexis will find more than fugacious fulfillment among its felicific pages."
In closing I would like to offer one last bit of advice; grow your vocabulary first then practice using the words properly before incorporating them in your speech and writing.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I AM therefore I CAN!
Recently that little voice began yelling in my ear. Gone was the brave little girl. The older and wiser, set-in-her-ways, woman was in control. This last year I have been telling myself I am going to write an e-newsletter (ezine) and become an eBay merchant. I kept listening to that voice and I allowed it to keep me from accomplishing those two tasks. "You are only a woman, you don't know how, you will fail!" All of these thoughts and more continually bombarded my mind. However, after listening to a teleconference on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and hearing how important it is to have both an ezine and an eBay seller account I realized that I had to ditch my fear and just do it!
Soon after that decision was made I read a post on one of my internet networking boards that named a source for automating ezine distribution. What timing! What luck! Off I went to check it out and sign up. Now three months passed and I had only gotten half way to my goal. "You can't, you don't know how, what in the world would anybody want that you have?" Sound familiar? Yes, it was that still small voice whispering in my ear once more.
In the past year I have become an accomplished writer. So why not write a book? I had written articles and even compiled a few eBooks, both for myself and some of my clients, but I had no clue as to what to write that someone might actually pay to own. Then it hit me. Since I had been hostessing weekly chats and writing self-help articles why not write a book on presentational design & skills?
Over the course of the next few weeks I wrote what turned out to be a very informative and well written self-help book titled "Presentational Skills for the Next Generation". The next step was to apply for my selling numbers (ISBN) and bar code. Those would allow me to have others sell my book for me. Resellers like eBay and Amazon as well as being able to eventually print it for sale at the local bookstores could become a reality. This was another scary task. I had instructed other authors to obtain these items but had never had to get them myself. I knew where to go to get this done; it was just a matter of doing it.
Three weeks later I had my codes in hand and was sure I would take that final step and get an eBay merchant account. Did I get right to the task at hand? No! Why? Because I had lost my "can do" attitude. I let fear rule my actions. When you don't know what you're doing chances are you will let fear stop you.
It wasn't until I voiced my desire to two different people who had been where I wanted to go that I finally took action. Now I must say that the challenges I faced weren't that difficult to overcome. The real obstacle was FEAR! Once I set my fear aside I was able to take all the steps that would eventually see my tasks fulfilled. I have re-discovered my childhood motto and I invite you to claim it too. "I AM therefore I CAN!"
- Ginger Marks
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Back to Business
Some of the things that come to mind are:
- Advertising
- Promotion
- Sales
- Events
- Networking
- Charity
All of these means it seems are just simply the tip of a mountain of ideas. Let's take the first one for example, advertising. You have online and offline. Then you have to consider what form of online or offline advertising suits you and your clients best. The worst thing you can do is throw good money in the wrong direction. You need to decide first who your target market is and what motivates them to buy. That is a topic for another conversation though.
Promotion sort of flows out of the advertising river into a whole new income stream of its own. If you want to promote your business you must first decide whether you want to do it in print or live interaction. Promotion can be done with flyers or you could join a group like the one I ran into recently that stuffs their products with your flyers. What a neat concept that is. You produce the promotional piece. It can be a business card, brochure or even a promotional or sale flyer. Print up 500 pieces and send it to the member that is requesting them and they insert it into their mailings. I would be happy to share this resource with you if you are interested.
How about those of us who enjoy the live interaction of an audience? There are multitudes of opportunities to promote your product or service doing seminars and chats. Just days ago I finished writing a book titled, "Promotional Skills for the Next Generation". I have it for sale in PDF version presently while I am awaiting my ISBN# to be able to sell it through vendors both in digital and print mediums. If you would like a copy just email me and I will be happy to send you your pre-release first edition copy.
What about Press Releases? They can be tied into your business promotion in a very powerful way. Consider hiring a professional who can not only pen the perfect press release but get it into the right hands. Don't attempt to do this on your own if you want real results. My PR Queen is Kim Emerson. If you want her assistance you can email her at info@writingpro.biz
One thing we fall back on often is the use of sales. These can generate interest and sometimes are the catalyst to revenues from those potential customers who are sitting on the proverbial fence. I have recently begun offering coupon book promotion to my clients as this seems to be a WIN, WIN, WIN! for everyone involved. Companies that would otherwise not let the associate promote their business can use these simple, non-threatening advertising options to their advantage. One thing that I have learned from this experience is that when offering a coupon you would do better to offer a dollar amount off rather than a percentage. Why? Well it seems that people don't perceive the value of percentage as quickly as they do an actual dollar amount.
As for events my recommendation is GET INVOLVED! If you can find the time get involved in putting them together. Attending is one thing and will garner you some networking time but when you are involved with the planning and promotion not only do you gain valuable experience but personal one-on-one with the movers and the shakers interaction as well.
Which leads us into networking. As you already know networking is a huge factor in the success or failure of your business. Just do it! Online or off. In person or in the chat room. It really doesn't matter. This is a powerful tool. Use it wisely. Make friends and let the conversation flow naturally into business informational exchange. Don't begin with an ad! This is the quickest way to turn the other members off.
Have you considered aligning with a charity? This is something that can be beneficial to others while being a promotional tool for you at the same time. Take this opportunity to use the press release to promote your business. During the holidays is a perfect time to make these associations.
Whatever your comfort level is, the key is to get off the bench and begin taking the actions to allow your business to grow and flourish. Set a goal, reach for the stars! If you end up in the clouds you have gained at the very least experience.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
A taste of things to come
Discover The Power Of The Right Words
How powerful is your message? Does your message lack punch? Are you using the right words to get your message noticed? Even worse! Are your words costing you business? When you are in business whether online of off these are questions you should continuously be asking yourself.
Considering the significant effect your words have on your audience should be of primary importance to you. As I have stated in prior articles if your writings are filled with spelling errors and poor sentence structure you are fighting an uphill battle that may never be won. That is why it is so important to read and re-read, write and re-write your copy. It is also why you should have others review it prior to posting. Even as a Copy Writer/ Editor I find I am just too close to my own writings to recognize errors in my personal works. How many are you missing?
Once you have the sentence structure down and spelling corrected it is time to look at the message you are trying to convey. In writing marketing copy there are words that marketing copy writers know as Power Words. When applied properly these words can be used to express any number of feelings that will generate action on your readers part.
Take the following sentence; A work of art is something you achieve when the right pieces come together. Wouldn't it be better written like this? You too can create an inspiring and effective masterpiece with carefully crafted content. Do you recognize how one is well written while the other creates interest. The first is merely a simple pronouncement while the alternative effectively builds interest making you want to read more.
As I mentioned earlier this is merely and excerpt from the upcoming edition. To receive the full article scheduled for release on Aug. 3, 2006 I invite you to sign up on my business website at http://www.documeant.net/.
As this is an new and evolving resource I currently provide free advertising. For those of you who have a 50 word or less text ad that you would like to see included simply email me and I will consider your offering.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Web Marketing Checklist: 32 Ways to Promote Your Website
by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, E-Commerce Consultant
Web Marketing Today, June 14, 2006
Note: The following article includes dozens of links to resources and more information -- much of it carefully organized on my website (and in some books) for further study, much of it entirely free. Please excuse the many links to my site. This article originally appeared in Web Marketing Today, Issue 39, December 1, 1997. As one of our most popular articles, it was revised most recently on June 14, 2006.
Cited in PC Magazine,
Click here to read the full article
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
DaVinci Code Uncorks the Genie
The sacred feminine makes an appearance.
The DaVinci Code has struck a chord for millions of people. The book, the spin-off books, the movie, the court cases. Is it that it’s such a well-written story? A fascinating mystery? A debunking of organized religion? Is it Tom Hanks? Might it be, at least in part, that the story taps into a deep longing for balance in the world, for the sacred feminine to be invited back to the table to sit as an equal?
Read the entire article . . . http://www.kjbryant.com/html/otherwriting.htm
K.J. Bryant left career, home and an established life to go on a one-year journey around the country searching for a new life after 50. On her path to reinvention, Bryant met over 70 women with amazing stories of transformation. She shares the wisdom and inspiration she gained in her workshops, presentations and forthcoming book, Journeys: 50,000 Miles of Wise Women. Sign up for her free eJourneys Newsletter and learn more about Bryant at: http://www.kjbryant.com/
Saturday, June 03, 2006
New Words of Wisdom Ezine!
As I grow and develop my online business, discover, and begin to employ the plethora of tools available, I continue to divulge my secrets to success. Having said that I would like to offer you the opportunity to join me in my FREE, first edition, Words of Wisdom Ezine. Go to the above link and sign up there. Receive a special FREE Resource Guide and US State Abbreviation directory. This little item is one you will want to keep handy and is your thank you gift for signing up.
Wishing you prosperity,
Ginger Marks
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Abundance and Prosperity
Marketing your business to others begins with marketing concepts that you believe. When you believe in your business and your skills, your talents draw success toward you. You surround yourself with good wholesome values and they multiply.
You dance with enthusiasm as you greet each day. You smile, energized, excited about the business growing and your marketing plan succeeds. Your destiny of greatness succeeds because you believe and you function within the boundaries of abundance, prosperity and wealth.
Jan Verhoeff
Check out the miriad of May Specials!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Just What Is An EBook?
Let me begin by introducing myself to you. My name is Ginger Marks and I am the founder of a writing & presentational design studio aptly named DocUmeant. I have been writing in one form or another for over 30 years.
Recently I expanded my list of services to include eBook compiling. This experience has led to several completed works both in PDF and Palm OS forms. With two of my own PDFs now available, one free and the second nominally priced. I have garnered the experience to be called upon to share some tips and tidbits to assist you too, in the creation of your very own eBook.
This month’s tip I felt needed to be of significant value to show you just how simple the transitioninto eBook authorship can be. Therefore my subject will be, 'Just What Is An EBook?'
An eBook is the same as any other book with the exception that it has been compiled into a completely digital format. Thus the ‘e’ in eBook, stands for electronic or better known as digital.
Your first step is to come up with a story or series of articles that work synergistically with each other. Once you have your content you will need to decide what audience you wish to attract. To be sure there are two major forms of eBooks. The first popular form of eBook developed was for the Palm Operating System (OS). You may have some in your own library. Those who have older handheld devices can not view or read the second and most popular form, the PDF eBook. So you must next decide which audience you are going to eventually solicit. You may decide to offer both versions and in that case you should know each has its own distinct software which you will need to learn to use.
Having worked with and compiled both Palm and PDF forms I can assure you there is still a small group who would benefit from being given the choice. For the sake of brevity and to remain current with the times I will focus my discussion on the PDF form. If you have any questions regarding the Palm OS form please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to assist you.
So get started; pick up your pen and put your thoughts in order. Next time we will discuss the available eBook software and their nuances. Until then.
© Copyright 2005 Ginger Marks
Ginger Marks is the founder of DocUmeant, Your writing assistant. For more information on her services or to obtain your copy of her eBooks, How to Create Success and/or Back to Basics, visit her website at http://www.documeant.net or email her at info@DocUmeant.net She is also the Copy Editor for Ladies First Magazine http://www.ladiesfirstmag.biz
Friday, March 31, 2006
Networking Etiquette
Maybe I am not quite 'with it' but I just don't understand how anyone could believe that I would want to reveal my friends and family email addresses and names to someone who hasn't even taken the time to pop me a short line of introduction. And even with that done, is that really enough? I think not.
I liken this tactic to walking into a place of business you have never been to before and asking to speak with the owner. Yeah, that is all fine and dandy. But, what is out of place is that the next thing they do. I liken it to saying to the owner, Hi I am so and so and I would love for you to simply hand over to me all your friend's and relatives, business associates, and supplier's contact information. Nothing much really, I just want their names, phone numbers, email addresses, and business URLs. Do you get my drift? What do you supposed the owner would do? What would YOU do?
So how DO you make this transition when in a networking situation? Is online Networking any different than face-to-face networking? One huge difference is the face-to-face kind done in a local civic group or Chamber setting is a much longer process. It can take years to get to know the other members and you have to participate and join committees before you see any real benefit from the investment you make with your membership dues. Once that connection is made you can share your contacts one-by-one on an as needed basis. Whereas in online networking it is just the opposite. You can easily see the flaw in thinking that my initial response is going to be to say SURE! Let's Network!
The first step in making a networking connection is to simply introduce yourself. Post comments to the boards or threads often and get comfortable with the group. Let them get comfortable with you too. Then invite those that you have a common ground or connection with over for an ongoing communication via email and personal messages.
One good way to find out if you have anything in common is to visit their homepage and read their ENTIRE page. Follow their links. Read their guest book entries and look at the list of networks they are affiliated with. Maybe even visit some of those networks as well. When you take the time to do this you can easily see if they might be someone you would enjoy having as a friend or business associate.
Then simply send them an email or private message and let them know by stating some of the things you have garnered from their posted information. Connect with them. Make a new friend. Then when you ask them to network with you they will be more likely to respond in a positive manner.
Whether done online or off there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. Take your smile with you when you go and be open to sharing your thoughts and ideas. Remember, networking is relationship building.
Ginger Marks
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
How To Increase Web Site Traffic
Remember Biana's three principles of turning your web site into a cash cow? Here are the three principles:
- Your web site must be easy to navigate, understand and use.
- Your web site must discuss what you do AND how what you do will benefit your customers.
- Your web site must have a newsletter that helps you keep in touch with your visitors and customers.
However, a web site that has all of the features listed above is not all that's needed to get leads and customers for your business. To get the most out of your web site, you need to ensure that the site generates targeted web site traffic.
So how do you increase Internet traffic to your web site? Here are three proven, time-tested methods for generating targeted web site traffic:
- Optimize Your Web Site for Search Engines. Search engine optimization is the process of modifying web page content and meta-information to improve the search engine ranking of the page. Meta-information includes HTML tags (title, heading, emphasized text, keyword and description meta-tags), as well as the internal (links between pages on the same site) and external (links between pages on different sites) link structure of a web site.
Using good keywords to optimize your web site for search engines helps you bring targeted traffic to your web site. - Create a Business Blog. A business blog is an excellent tool to toot your own horn, let the world know about your new products, and tell your target customers why they should do business with you, rather than your competitor.
Blog posts that are keyword-rich help you bring targeted traffic from search engines, and blog posts that are educational and interesting to read help you build relationships with people who read your blog. Strive to make your blog posts optimized and educational - that way you get the search engines and your readers interested in what you have to say. - Write Articles. Writing articles on your subject of expertise is an excellent way to get better known throughout your online community and to let target clients know about your expertise.
Syndicating (allowing other web sites to reprint) your articles also helps you build traffic to your web site. So how can giving the proverbial farm away help you build traffic? The terms of use of your article state that reprinting in any form is allowed only if the site that uses the article includes a resource box. A resource box is a block of text that appears after the article. It typically consists of 2-4 sentences that include your bio and a link back to your business web site.
The article's resource box is your chance to get the reader to visit your web site and thus generate additional traffic. This is why it is extremely important to make your resource box as effective as possible. The resource box must include a strong call to action (and a free bonus gift doesn't hurt either).
Targeted web site traffic translates into leads and clients for your business. Start using the traffic generating methods outlined above and watch your traffic soar.
About the author: Biana Babinsky is the online business expert who has helped many business owners attract more web site customers, bring in more online publicity and increase the bottom line. Visit http://avocadoconsulting.com/free_newsletter.html to subscribe to her newsletter full of marketing tips and ideas and join her online business coaching program at http://www.MarketingSalad.com.
Step by Step Search Engine Optimization Special Report
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Are You A Landmine Or A Goldmine?
All that sounded fine to me and I was ready to pay for the service online when unexpectedly the young man informed me, “If you pay with the online service they take a portion off the top so I don't know, I think it would be better for you to pay by check.
Now I don't know about you but for me I immediately started seeing red flags and skyrockets going off all around me. What was I doing? What was I thinking? Do I really want to do business with this company? I had been thinking of all of my clients that I could refer to them, but in the blink of an eye all that changed.
How many times have you automatically made a similar mistake? Do you invest all of your time and energy building your business and then when you begin to sense success you undermine that success with one wrong move? Maybe you have been building your “baby” and are seeing a modicum of success and know it is time to hire or designate someone to do some of the routine tasks, but once they are hired you impede them in completing the jobs you hired them for.
What can you do to prevent yourself from being your business' own worst enemy? Think about what you specifically desire from your company. Do you want to have a mom and pop business that is totally hands on forever? If so maybe what you are doing is enough. By the same token, if you hope to create a successful business you have to grasp a couple of fundamental rules to learn to stay out of your own way.
One of the things that you need to do is, be aware. Listen to what you say and how you say it when speaking to others. Sometimes we as business owners tend to have so much on our minds that we don't take the time to effectively listen when others speak to us. When we do “listen” our minds are moving at such a fast pace that we find ourselves thinking about how to respond instead of truly listening to what the other person is conveying. Worse yet, perhaps you suffer from the habit of expecting others to be mind readers. I recall an employment ad I read in a local newspaper it essentially said, if you are a mind reader this is the job for you. Stop and really listen next time. Really listen to what is being said.
Another landmine that we often lay in our path to success is ego. What I am intimating is that when you start to think more of yourself than others do you run the unavoidable risk of becoming overbearing and forceful. As a consumer given the option would you prefer to deal with someone that knows their business and shows a genuine interest in you and your needs or would you seek someone who is disrespectful of you and constantly letting you know how superior they are. When the person I am dealing with begins to act like a know-it-all or comes off crass and rude I tend to look elsewhere for the services I need. Most certainly you should display your professional competence but be careful about the presentation.
These are some of the pitfalls we fall prey to in the course of our business lives. When you learn to avoid them you will begin to witness the floodgates of success open wide. Not only will your business reap the rewards but your relationships will too.
© Copyright 2005 Ginger Marks
Thursday, March 02, 2006
WIN Women of Achievement! -- "Inquiring Minds Want to Know"
Having recently been honored with the Women of Achievent award I have been asked to divulge my story. I hope you find this information not only informative but inspirational.
1. Where were you born?
Lansing, Michigan
2. Where do you live?
Clearwater, Florida
3. Growing up who inspired you?
My mommy
4. How did you hear about Ryze and WIN? How long have you been a Ryze member?
A good friend who doesn’t participate told me about Ryze back in September 2005 in an email. While searching through the available networks I just got lucky one day and found WIN.
5. Tell us more about your businesses as a Copy Editor, Web designer. You wear many hats, anything else?
I am also a published writer and currently have a column on ArticlesOn.com I enjoy helping people and making them smile that is my reason for doing what I do. I am copy editor for Ladies First Magazine and Luxe Studios Design Company. I own DocUmeant, http://www.documeant.net and have operated that business for the past seven years offering VA assistance specializing in document preparation and design.
6. What does it take to be a successful businesswoman?
Never give up! Accept the no’s as a fact of life and keep focused on your goal.
7. What one thing do you know for sure? (This is an Oprah thing)
Jesus loves me this I know! (And so does my mommy ;0 )
The question has been posed, ‘Just who is Ginger Marks?’
I could write a book in answer to this question but since we all have lives to live I will keep it as brief as possible. For now I must leave out a great deal of inspiring detail. Perhaps a book IS in my future, you never know.
I grew up in Lansing, Michigan in a Christian home. I am the second of five children, all surviving and my parents have managed to stay married and very much in love over the years recently celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
I ran away from home at 16, all the way to Laredo, Texas, where I lived for three years. When I returned to Michigan I finished high school at a local school for drop-outs and then went on to take a course in Keypunch operating.
While a keypunch operator in Lansing I met and married ‘Mr. Wrong’. I know you all will understand that statement. After three years, while he was incarcerated, yet again, for drunk and disorderly conduct I packed my bags and hitch-hiked to Tampa, Florida. My best friend’s parents lived just north of there and she had recently moved home so they allowed me to stay in their home a couple of months while I got settled.
After one year I was able to divorce during which time I became a live-in secretary for an advertising agency. It was while employed there that I received a phone call from an old friend of the owners and after speaking to him on the phone I knew this was the man I would eventually marry.
Five years later, we became not only husband and wife but business partners. The company we started was Alpha-Omega Hair Transplant Clinic. We were the first hair transplant clinic in this part of Florida and enjoyed great success and respect in the industry.
In the summer of 1998 Billy Graham announced his intention to host a crusade in Tampa, Florida. Being that we were semi-retired I committed my time and energy in the training needed to participate in the program and headed up three churches choir programs for the Adult and Children choirs.
The day after the final training for the children choir director trainer’s and after 23 years of marriage my husband committed suicide. I was left without a job and home. I stayed with my eldest Godson’s mother until I was able to purchase a condo in a nearby area. While I filed Chapter 13 on myself, our business and my late husband, our business partner sued me for the patient files, most of which were not his patients.
There were two things that kept me going during this time. First was the knowledge that if I followed suit the devastation that I was feeling would be doubled for my family and his, and second was a children’s choir song entitled, ‘God Has A Plan For My Life!’
After settling down in Oldsmar, Florida I began attending a nearby church and answered their call for pianist. There is an interesting story about this but due to our limitation I will forgo the details, for now. Nearly a year after my husbands death I requested prayer to find a suitable mate and one week later met my current husband, Philip Marks.
We have been married now for five-years and I assisted him with the eldercare of his mother before she passed away in the fall of 2005.
Philip has supported me in my ventures which include not only my current vocation as writer, web designer and editor but in my education, training and career as a Financial Advisor, from which I am now retired.
If I was to offer a piece of advice it would be to hold on tight to your beliefs no matter what the travail. Keep on keeping on and ‘NEVER, NEVER, NO NEVER GIVE UP!’
Ginger Marks
Isn't It Time Your Ryze Page Reflected YOU?
Sunday, February 12, 2006
"Purging Your Networks!"
Well, I have to say what a chore this has been, never again. I have spent the last 2 hours just going through my memberships, deleting, editing, wow, I did not realize how much clutter I had accumulated over the past few months, it was time for serious action: Purge!
=> By purging I mean just that, getting rid of those networks which you:
- honestly do not participate in (can't remember why you joined)
- have not seen in weeks, months (cobwebs are forming)
- joined because so and so is in it (do you even remember their names)
- because you can spam, spam, spam (tisk tisk)
- so people think you are really active on the network (if they only knew, LOL)
- my favorite, they're the most popular around (honestly it's not high school)
I have been in many networks through my 2 years here on Ryze, some have come and gone, like yesterdays news where as other's I still remain a member in and sadly, for the most part I am not very active. Why? Many reasons.... time, thread content, lack of knowledge, boredom, people, the list can go on forever, but, I try to make it my #1 priority to spend a little time (when I can) by posting, visiting guestbooks of members and thanking the network leader.
=> Not active....Ask yourself these questions:
1. Why did I join this network in the first place?
2. Does this network fill a particular need?
3. Can I really be involved and focused?
4. Do I feel I can benefit or give anything back?
5. How does the overall network, content effect me?
The point.... joining networks should not be a big part of your networking experience, nor, should it become so overwhelming that you can not remember where you posted last or what thread to reply to. By joining select, informative, aimed networks based on your preferences, need or desire is far better than just clicking away to have an impressive Networks list. After a while, you will see how much of a chore it will become when you have to revisit a network because you can not remember why you initially joined.
=> A good rule of thumb:
- know, respect and support your network leader and their rules
- pace yourself, don't jump in too fast, get the feel of each network
- read through the topic threads, save those of interest, go back when you can
- keep track of specific Hot Topics in each network, see if you can add to it
- be open to all points of view, diversity comes in many packages
- enjoy yourself...if you can not be you, than why join, or better yet, stay
Another factor in establishing yourself in your networks of choice, is that you will be able to further invest your time where most needed or where your needs or questions are met. To be utilized in a strong way, one should be able to spend time building upon the foundation originally set (by this message thread begun) and not pulled in a million directions, losing focus on that topic in question.
=> Establishing yourself by participation:
1. First and foremost, Always be Approachable, by just being You! There is plenty of time for business, let other's get to know you first.
2. Be considerate (at all times) to those already involved in the thread, as you would expect in return.
3. Visit other members, sign their guest book, welcome them on the board, make them feel invited.
4. Introduce yourself (unless it is noted otherwise), but be concise, personable, inviting, leaving what you have to offer for another time or in your signature line.
5. Don't be afraid to chime in, assert your thoughts, just take care to be respectful to the views and needs of other's and those already responded.
6. When replying to a specific topic thread, be sure to stay focused on what the actual message is about.
7. Do some research (if necessary) so that what you share will help further the actual topic discussion and not take away from it.
8. Begin topic's of discussion (based on network) and solicit other's help, opinions, thoughts, be sure to reply when you can.
9. Providing help, advice, tips, whatever it maybe, be sure to always give credit where due (include author reprint boxes, links, contact info, etc).
10. Most importantly, just help support your network(s) in whatever way you can, whether by posting replies, helping out or sharing it with other's, the success of any network(s) rely on everyone, not just the network leader.
Too many times this has happened to me and it can be quite daunting, not to mention somewhat embarrassing, especially when you go back and you see how weeks have passed by. By remaining focused, investing time in a particular network or networks, you can build a foundation and establish yourself in away that others will remember, read and reach out to you, thus creating a wider range of people to network with.
=> Some quick tips to keep organized:
* Save/bookmark you very favorite networks, this makes for easier access
* Create a list of weekly schedules, outlying topics discussed each day
* Set up a schedule, so that you can spend the necessary time in each one
* Keep the rules of each readily available, as every network is different
Remember that networking will give back to you what you put into it, just like anything you do in life. The more you work at something, tend to it, help it grow the better the rewards or fruits of your labor will be! Enjoy your day!
This is a copy of a post that was so chocked full of information that I just had to share it here in an edited version, with the author's permission of course.
Thank you Patricia of T.E.A.M. Mom!s
Ginger Marks
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Recommend A Friend
We all know how valuable word of mouth advertising can be for a business but here in the virtual community it may be difficult to communicate your recommendations. So how do you make a virtual recommendation?
The answer to how this is done is simple. Put a link on your page with your comments about their product or service.
Don't be overly flattering. Do be clear in why you feel their product or service is worthy of your praise. Also absolutely check spelling and structure before you post. You will find that when you begin to share your virtual recommendation you will benefit the business you are promoting and your own as well.
Be absolutely certain that the link is functional. The most aggravating circumstance I encounter is broken links. When I find something relevant to my needs and click...Nothing...I have a tendency to leave both sites behind. That is not beneficial for either business.
Rule #1: Share your virtual recommendations with others and they will be more apt recommend you.
Make a difference. This is your virtual community too.
Ginger Marks
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Set Aside Your Fears And Achieve Success
Life is a strange animal when you think about it. We are all given certain talents and the ability to develop specific skill sets yet many of us just exist on a day to day basis instead of striving to be our best.
What makes one person so uniquely different from another is the drive to doggedly achieve ones goals. Why is it that the person on the top seemingly arrives there through no effort of their own? That's not actually the case, just ask any successful person and they will tell you it wasn't always easy. The main theme you will hear when they speak is how they had to learn to remain focused on their goals rather than their failures. They had to learn to 'stay out of their own way.'
What is the #1 excuse we have for not accomplishing our true potential? Fear. Fear is the primary obstacle we put in our own path to success. So what can you do to get out of your own way and step over this nasty dragon named fear? First you should acknowledge what it is that you are actually fearful of. What makes you hesitate to take the necessary actions to achieve your goal? Is it the fear of rejection that is haunting your success? The fear of public speaking? What about the fear of success itself? No matter what your answer to this question is, naming it is the first step. Once you have put a face on your dragon it's time to begin to slay it.
Now that you are looking at your dragon eye to eye let's look at how you react to that fear. I once was told that if you ask for something and the person tells you 'No' what have you lost? But if they say 'Yes' what have you gained? The answer to the negative response is you actually haven't lost a thing; whereas, if you get a positive response you have gained what you were seeking. So it is how you react to the 'No' that makes the difference.
If you are affected by the negative answer you probably find yourself falling into the arms of your old friend ‘fear' again. The negative feelings that you experience and whether you accept your fear or face it head-on will make the all difference in your success or failure. This friend fear tells you, 'See I told you, you were going to fall flat on your face.' This is what is known as ‘Self-destructive behavior'. However what I realized when I was performing, whether singing, playing the piano, or public speaking is that in the end when I goof up only I know I made a mistake! I learned that as long as I kept going and didn't accentuate the flub no one else ever knew where or even that I goofed. When you accept this as fact you too can overcome this fear. I also realized that my audience isn't there to witness my failure they are there to learn from me. What this means is that they not only 'want' me to succeed but they 'expect' me to. Hmm, novel thought, eh?
So it's time to look at your fears, confront them and release them. Repeat after me, 'Out with the bad; in with the good!' You must alter your mindset! You must kick those fears aside and take that proverbial 'step' outside of your comfort zone. I challenge you to change the way you think. Focus on the positive and don't look back! You too can be successful if you are willing to kick those fears to the curb and keep on keeping on.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Homemaking Tip #1 - Easily Dress Your King size Bed
At the ripe young age of 50 I am still having a time making my bed. Now I call that a SLOW-learner. You might say the bed and the sheets just don't see eye to eye with me. It seems I invariably put the bottom sheet on sideway because they are always coming loose over the weeks wear. Yes, like a good little wife I fight this battle weekly. Who needs the gym when you can stay home and get your exercise by changing your sheets? I always end up doing more than my fair share of gymnastics and track while leaping over the mattress and running back and forth from one side of the bed to the other to center the top sheet.
Well the other day I finally got a handle on how to easily "dress" a king size bed by myself. Watch out Martha Stuart, Ginger Marks is in town! It all starts with the way they are folded! When you fold the sheets so that they are halved lengthwise instead of widthwise you just stand on one side of the bed and unfold it from one corner to the next. When folding the bottom sheet start by placing your fist into one corner with the seam touching your hand. Now be sure you have the opposite lengthwise corner in your hand and place it seam side over the same fist. Repeat the corner-over-fist technique until all four corners are placed on your fist. This will ensure that you have your bottom sheet folded so that it is easily "placed" on the bed when you get to that step. Then just finish folding.
The real key in proper application of the bottom sheet lies in the elastic sides. The sides are the elastic part not the top! Once I figured that out. It became an easy chore. My only worry is when the mattress gets rotated, LOL. What is that you say? Rotate a king size mattress by yourself? Martha! Where are you when we need you? he he.
Ginger Marks
DocUmeant, Your Writing Assistant
Copy Editor, Ladies First Magazine
Friday, January 20, 2006
Online Networking
I have discovered a unique and active online networking group called Ryze.com It had become my favorite source for encouragement and learning. There I have found the most generous, caring spirit you would ever hope to find. Not only are there groups that assist you with any number of specific subjects but there are wonderful opportunities to share your daily lives as well with people who really care about you.
Having been a networking participant for a number of years I know the benefits and the drawbacks of joining a Chamber or local civic group. Memberships can be expensive and unless you are in the " elite group" it may not be realistic to expect immediate results. It can take years of participation and commitment before you get significant recognition.
Networking is not easy, nor is it comfortable for some. Let's break the word down, Net - working. Get the picture? Net meaning online, or an object used to obtain; working, well I guess that doesn't need any explanation now does it.
What I am suggesting is that networking indeed is a job. You have to participate, get involved, be active, let others know you are there before you will begin to reap the rewards that involvement can offer. Once you have begun participating take a step out on faith and start a conversation. It can be a private conversation with one of the other members or an "open forum" subject depending on your preference.
After you have become comfortable with your participation and group(s) another idea you may want to consider is welcoming others. Do you realize that as you welcome others to groups you participate in that your group grows in numbers and you become known as well. The new members will look to you as an authority and will value what you have to say.
I would love to share more about this topic and extend an invitation to you to join me at Ryze.com for a networking experience like no other you have ever experienced. Look me up when you get there and I will be glad to adopt you as my little sister or little brother and show you around.
Ginger Marks
Isn't It Time Your Ryze Page Reflected YOU?
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Web Content Awareness Day
February 9, 2006
WCAD is almost here! WCAD is being established for those of us who feel that the internet is filled to overflowing with bad content. Is your content keeping your visitors attention and bringing them back again and again? Promoting those who provide us with content rich content is what Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com is focusing her attention on these days.
Here is a quote from Dina's WCAD website:
"On Web Content Awareness Day, we will give thanks and praise to all the living web wizards who enlighten our minds and enrich our lives every single day. We will pay respect to the "Web Gods and Goddesses" who help us web business owners achieve health, wealth and wisdom on the Web... with thought-provoking content that's full of integrity and intelligence.
I'm talking about web content that speaks of a higher standard, a better business... a more truthful, gracious, happy, successful, and deeply satisfied brand of "super-human" who reigns supreme on the Web! And that's YOU, marketing friend."
If you would like to be a part of this hot new holiday join Dina in support at http://wordfeeder.typepad.com/web_content_awareness_day/